Aaahhh.... how we love tomatoes! Especially these freshly picked ones, the lovely organic ones we find in our CSA box each week, and the ones we fondle at the Farmer's Markets we're so lucky to have here several days a week.
When I was pregnant with Zeal, I ate (for the first time in my life) a good ton of tomatoes, and interestingly enough, they are now one of Zeal's favorite foods. Usually, we just chop them up and give him a fondue fork and a little cupful of his favorite salad dressing to dip them in for a snack. In his growth spurt moments, he's been known to go through five good-sized tomatoes in one sitting. Lately, I've been slicing the cherry, grape, and heirlooms we've been savoring and mix them all together with this little bit of marinade: 2 T. olive oil, 1 T. balsamic vinegar, 1 garlic clove, minced, salt and pepper to taste. Add some chopped basil if you have it.
We're all in tomato heaven! With any luck, this next baby will like tomatoes as much as the rest of us.
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